If you want to trim your moving costs or your moving budget is tight, then you can't afford to entertain surprise costs. This means you must plan your move well in advance and budget for every cost that might come up. Otherwise, the bid day may arrive only for you to realize that your initial quote was way off the mark. Below are some tips to help you avoid surprise costs.
Get an Accurate Quote
Your moving quote should be as accurate as possible so that you don't exceed your budget. Here are a few tips to help you get an accurate moving quote:
The more thorough you are when getting your quote, the more likely it is to be accurate. This calls for good planning so that you know when you will be moving and how many items you plan to move.
Include Additional Services
Most moving companies offer ancillary services to clients who need them. For example, many moving companies offer storage services, packing services, and cleanup services, and they may even sell packing materials and supplies. These additional services are not automatically included in the standard quote. If you want to know how much you will pay for the additional series, mention exactly what you need.
Reserve the Elevator
If you don't live on the ground floor, then you should reserve the service elevator for your use on your moving day. This will save the movers from going up and down the stairs, which might attract additional fees.
Ensure Adequate Parking Space
Your movers need to park as close to the house as possible. This means you should ensure that the parking space is secure and adequate for your use on the moving day. Depending on where you live, this calls for reserving the parking space for your exclusive use on the big day. It may also mean clearing the space (for example, by shoveling snow). Expect additional charges if your movers have to park their truck a long way off from your home.
Don't Cancel
Ensure you have a firm moving date before you book moving services. You may be forced to cancel your relocation if you are not sure and you book the wrong date. Many moving companies charge a cancelation fee that only adds to your overall moving costs.
Contact movers near you to learn more.
Share4 November 2019
I still remember when I moved into my very first apartment after I graduated from college. All I had to move were a few boxes of my belongings across town and then wait for the furniture company to drop off my new furniture! I soon found out that the longer you live in one place, the more "stuff" you end up having. The next time I moved, I remember feeling very overwhelmed and didn't have anyone go give me good moving advice. I know there are other people like I was and facing a difficult move without a lot of people to help. I want to help make everyone's moves easier by making a blog with my moving tips. I plan to post new advice frequently, so come back when you need moving help!